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Does eating make you feel good, or terrible?

Emily Young

So many of us want to enjoy delicious food but end up feeling bloated, crampy, heavy, lethargic and end up with a whole lot of gas!

Even those that try to eat 'healthy' can often get these symptoms.

This morning I had some dandelion tea and a bowl of buckwheat porridge with some stewed apples, cinnamon and yogurt. I’ve been feeling a bit off recently, so whereas normally I would have eggs, I've gone for porridge which is easier to digest at the moment. Easier for ME (remember this point).

And while I was eating it I felt so good!

I felt warm and toasty- so much so that I took my dressing gown off. I get cold very easily so I noticed this straight away.

My tummy felt warm. It felt comfortable and soothed. Sometimes it feels cold and heavy after food, even when I try to ‘eat well’.

Which brings me to the point of this post:

We need to learn what works for us; what works for our own bodies.

Just as our outsides are all unique, so are our insides and there is not a single diet that suits everyone. Some people do well vegetarian, others feel terrible. Some people can eat lots of raw food-salad and raw veggies, whereas for others it makes them cold and bloated. Some people can’t handle too much fat, others too many grains.

Digestion is very complex and really begins way before you put food into your mouth. But a great way to help your digestion is by listening to your body and working with what feels good at the time.

In another post soon, I’ll be offering some tips on how to support your digestion- as there are so many other things you can do to improve it. But I think the number one, most important thing is to firstly listen to your body and ask these questions:

Am I hungry right now? Do I feel like a large meal or a light meal?

How does this food I’m eating really make me feel?

What do I actually feel like eating right now?

It’s an interesting experiment, and you might find your body gives you clear signs that you’ve never noticed before. Pay attention, without judgement. See where it leads you.

And stayed tuned for more tips on digestion soon :)


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