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I see many women who are wanting to get pregnant but suffer from fertility issues. It is such an emotional ride.


Is this what's going on with you?


  • Trying to conceive for months or years with little success

  • Thinking about trying but you worry about your chances because of existing health conditions

  • Irregular periods

  • Absent period

  • You’re not ovulating according to ovulation test kits or through blood test confirmation

  • You have chronically low progesterone

  • You’ve had multiple miscarriages

  • You’ve been unsuccessful with IVF

  • Your partner has fertility challenges also


There are so many factors that can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant, and fertility issues are becoming increasingly common.


The good news is that you can greatly improve your fertility by addressing your health and healing your body. I don’t mean to oversimplify it, but the body will often come back into balance if you allow it to heal.


Reduced fertility is not a life sentence, and it’s not static. You can change it. You just need to figure out the particular health issues you may have that are affecting your fertility and then go from there.


Hormone balance is the end product of supporting your whole body health- in particular your gut health, liver health and your nervous system. When you address these areas, hormones will most often fall into place. It’s not an over-night fix, but hormonal balance will generally occur with 3-6 months of treatment. That's so achievable!





Optimising your health is important for successfully falling pregnant, but also for improving the chance of a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.


Pre-conception care is about balancing your hormones and improving your health in preparation for pregnancy. This will often include your partner, as male health is essential for healthy pregnancy outcomes. 


This can include:

- addressing any inflammatory conditions

- supporting gut health

- supporting thyroid health

- supporting your nervous system

- a Pre-Conception Detox to reduce inflammation and toxins to reduce your exposure during pregnancy. 


Pregnancy is one of the biggest events your body will ever go through. 


Nutritional requirements are increased greatly during pregnancy, and continually change throughout this time. 

Pregnancy care ensures you're meeting all of your nutritional requirements for each trimester, as well as supporting you with pregnancy symptoms through herbal, nutritional and lifestyle support.


These symptoms include:

- Morning sickness

- Digestive issues such as bloating and heartburn

- Fatigue

- Anxiety 

If you would like to enhance your fertility and/or support your body holistically through pregnancy you can work with me either in clinic or via online consultations

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